Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tis the season...

Here are a few holiday safety tips for shoppers:

1.  Always park your car in a well-lighted area and avoid areas with dark corners and blind spots.

2.  Take notice of your surroundings.  Keep your car keys handy.  Once you are safely in your car, make certain you lock your car doors.

3.  Place all your packages and valuables safely out-of-sight.  Store items in the trunk.

4.  When shopping, never walk away from your cart while your purse or other valuables are left sitting.  Stay Alert.  Don't let yourself get distracted by strangers.

5.  If something does not feel right, report it promptly to store management or call the police.

6.  Do not be afraid to find a security guard and ask for an escort to your car if you feel uneasy or afraid.

7.  Use the Buddy System.  Shop with a friend and look out for each other.

8.  Don't try to carry too much at one time.  Juggling packages, car keys, cell phone, and a purse makes you an easy target.

9.  Never leave your car running.  Don't think you can dash inside a store for a quick purchase and leave your car running.  Not only is that against the law, but its darn right foolish.

10.  The simplest tip of all:   LOCK your car when you walk away from it.

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